Cement, Energy and Environment

13 equipment and parts of the mine to be cleaned and sold off, the buildings can be repurposed or demolished, warehouse materials recovered and wasted disposed of. These groups then clean and sell off any remaining opera onal equipment and provided they are s ll structurally sound, repurpose the premises. The main objec ve in reclaiming process is to return the site and the land which surrounds it back to reusable standards, ensuring that any landforms and structures are stable, and the watercourses need to be evaluated in order to regain water quality within the affected area. This step needs the effec ve supervision during the process of mining and closure, its successful impacts on the environment could well be diluted through the re-use of materials that would have previously been le to decay. · Closing illegal and unregulated mines In India, we find several illegal and unregulated mine which is opera onal. The New Mineral Policy 2019 has tried to curb these types of illegal mine workings. In context with enforcing regula ons and maintaining steadfast legisla on regarding the behaviour and processes of the mines, strict and swi closing of illegal or unregulated mining ac vity will set an environmental precedent within the industry. For example, before 2010, most mines in China were completely unregulated which were affec ng surrounding areas gravely. Details are men oned in coming pages of this ar cle, where effec ve steps taken by Chinese Government has helped in reducing the damage and provide a sustainable mining areas. Effec ve closing and reclama on of old mined out areas will significantly help in sustainable mining prac ces in and around the mineralised belts. · Accurate measurements and declara on of waste mining which creates pollu on Mining companies always try to save face when it comes to the environmental conserva on and try to hide the facts of actual pollu on and maintain secrecy in repor ng the toxic mining wastes produced by mining opera ons. These companies usually keep the public in the dark by not giving an accurate report of what's being dumped into the environment and the various pollutants created by them. New mineral Policy instructs to frame rules to recognise the actual pollu on generated by mining companies; accordingly, a suitable step shall be taken to panelise these companies or to reduce pollu on as much as possible, with suitable remedial measures to be suggested. Of course, strict penal es for viola ng companies have to be decided by State and Central Governments. · Use reusable waste to build and reuse/recycle of material At present ubiquitous, mining companies are discovering efficient ways to capitalize wholly on materials in order to provide sustainable goods and services. On the other hand, the society at large, wants to u lise less wood, metal, stone, plas c and other materials by adop ng efficient prac ces. One simple way is to start using reusable materials effec vely while building new construc ons and infrastructure affec ng the surrounding environment of any mining. Recycling the metals from accumulated scrap and waste in landfills may be in some cases more economical than to mine ore deposits. For example, in 2008, the world steel industry produced over 1.3 billion tonnes of steel. It used 1.48 billion tons of raw materials, or 470 million tonnes less than, would have been needed to make the same volume of steel in the 1970s. Concerning aluminium, it is