Cement, Energy and Environment

10 Implementa on of Sustainable Mining Prac ces Two major methods of implemen ng sustainable mining prac ces are - 1) Good governance from Global, Central & State Government bodies resul ng in effec ve laws and regula ons for implementa on Every now and then, the various Government bodies, judiciary systems of India have shown their concerns over bad mining prac ces and not following sustainable approach. Also efforts are being made by them to implement good mining prac ces for be erment of eco-system. At global level, the heads of 193 UN member states prepared a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is for global development framework available for the society and genera ons. Mining companies have the poten al to become leading partners in achieving the SDGs. Through their direct opera ons, mining companies can generate profits, employment, and economic growth in low-income countries. And through partnerships with government and civil society, they can ensure that benefits of mining extend beyond the life of the mine itself, so that the mining industry has a posi ve impact on the natural environment, climate change, and social capital. At the same me, mining companies will be called on to extract with responsibility, produce with less waste, use safer processes, incorporate new sustainable technologies, promote the improved wellbeing of local communi es, curb emissions, and improve environmental stewardship. Mining companies commi ed to the SDGs will benefit from improved rela onships with governments and communi es and be er access to financial resources; those that fail to engage meaningfully with the SDGs will put their opera ons at risk in the short and long term. Based on interviews with over 60 global experts from industry, civil society, governments, academia, and financial ins tu ons, the report iden fies where sustainable mining prac ces can enhance the posi ve impacts it has and mi gate the nega ve impacts across the 17 SDGs (see figure below). Mining and the 17 SDGs: Indicative Priorities