Cement, Energy and Environment

9 area is another key concern, it should be followed by concrete ac ons. Modern mining, which is considered for nega vely affec ng the environment, and also causes discomfort for people living in mining areas or their immediate surroundings, must have the public acceptance for its ac vi es. Thus, the real concern about the environment is becoming an important factor for obtaining such public acceptance. Mining in the twenty-first century, while striving for sustainable development, must provide employees with a safe working environment, therefore the problems regarding safety, due to its complexity, is a major challenge for mine operators. The trend of increasing the depth of mines, observed in the world, means that work safety is, and will con nue to be a key area of concern for the sustainable development of the mining industry. The complexity of the problems for the sustainable development of mining and the resul ng diversity on a global scale point towards the need for the con nuous exchange of experience in the field of knowledge, methods, technologies and other solu ons. They should facilitate a sustainable and socially acceptable development and con nued opera on of mining, invariably needed by people, to provide necessary mineral resources. Objec ves and Effects of sustainable mining prac ces There are several objec ves of sustainable mining prac ces, which are interrelated and success will involve the issues most frequently linked to another. They can be summarised as follows: · Healthy Life : Eradicate poverty and hunger, · Universalize access to basic services : Includes water, sanita on and sustainable energy · Support the genera on of development opportuni es : Inclusive educa on and decent work · Foster innova on and resilient infrastructure : Conver ng surrounding communi es and ci es able to produce and consume sustainably · Reduce inequality in the world : especially that concerning gender · Care for the environment : comba ng climate change and protec ng the oceans and land ecosystems · Promote collabora on: between different social bodies to create an environment of peace and sustainable development. On the other hand, the a er effects of sustainable mining prac ces can be summarised in the figure below –