Cement, Energy and Environment

stone fine aggregate in masonry mortars and concrete. In view of this, Manufactured Sand is recommended to be used as an alterna ve to River sand. This would easily take care of handling the scarcity of river sand and lead to lessening the impact of construc on ac vity on the environment. References 1. “Suitability of Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) as fine aggregates in mortars and concrete” – By Prof. B.V. Venkatarama Reddy, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Ins tute of Science, Bangalore – 560012. (CSIC project: CP 6597/0505/11-330 dated 5.07.2011) 2. ICOMAT – Concrete Ini a ves and Innova ons. 3. Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia –“Guide to the Specifica on and use of Manufactured Sand in Concrete” 4. h p:/ /www.msand.in/poabsms and.php 7