Cement, Energy and Environment

60 S.No. Event Venue Organizer/Contact Date FocusArea 11. 7 th Annual Conference on Smart Cities in India New Delhi Kanan Kumar Conference Cell India Infrastructure Publishing Private Limited B-17, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016 Tel: 91-11-41034615, 9891210461 Fax: 91-11-2531196, 46038149 E-mail: conferencecell@indiainfrasture.com Website: www.indiainfrastructure.com October, 2018 - Abroad 1. 3 rd Global Cement Boards Conference 2018 Hallam Conference Centre, London, UK Robert McCaffrey Global Boards Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com January 22-23, 2018  Global cement-basedmarket trends  Board production technology  Adding value and cutting costs  New board compositions  Energy optimization  Cement-based board applications 2. 12 th Global CemFuels conference on alternative fuels for cement Berlin, Germany Robert McCaffrey Global CemFuels Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com February 20-21, 2018  Alternative fuels market trends  Fuel sourcing  Fuel preparation  Pyroprocessing effects of alternative fuels 3. Inaugural Global GypSupply Conference & Exhibition Brussels, Belgium Robert McCaffrey Global GypSupply Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com March 14, 2018  Supply of gypsm frommines  From recycling and from sysnthetic sources  For all user industries including wallboard, plaster, cement and agriculture 4. The 25ASEANFederation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM) Technical Symposium & Exhibition Bandung, Indonesia Ms Nurmala Sari Secretariat The 25ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM) Technical Symposium & Exhibition Graha Irama, 11 floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok X - 1, Kav. 1 & 2, Jakarta, Indonesia Tel : (+62-21) 526 1105 or 526 1106 Fax : (+62-21) 526 1107 , 526 1108 Email : afcm2018@asi.or.id Website : www.afcm2018indonesia.com April 4–6, 2018 - 5. 2 nd Global CemProcess Conference & Exhibition London Robert McCaffrey Global CemProcess Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com May 23-24, 2018  Process optimization  De-bottlenecking  Production maximization and troubleshooting