Cement, Energy and Environment
60 S.No. Event Venue Organizer/Contact Date FocusArea 11. 7 th Annual Conference on Smart Cities in India New Delhi Kanan Kumar Conference Cell India Infrastructure Publishing Private Limited B-17, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016 Tel: 91-11-41034615, 9891210461 Fax: 91-11-2531196, 46038149 E-mail: conferencecell@indiainfrasture.com Website: www.indiainfrastructure.com October, 2018 - Abroad 1. 3 rd Global Cement Boards Conference 2018 Hallam Conference Centre, London, UK Robert McCaffrey Global Boards Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com January 22-23, 2018 Global cement-basedmarket trends Board production technology Adding value and cutting costs New board compositions Energy optimization Cement-based board applications 2. 12 th Global CemFuels conference on alternative fuels for cement Berlin, Germany Robert McCaffrey Global CemFuels Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com February 20-21, 2018 Alternative fuels market trends Fuel sourcing Fuel preparation Pyroprocessing effects of alternative fuels 3. Inaugural Global GypSupply Conference & Exhibition Brussels, Belgium Robert McCaffrey Global GypSupply Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com March 14, 2018 Supply of gypsm frommines From recycling and from sysnthetic sources For all user industries including wallboard, plaster, cement and agriculture 4. The 25ASEANFederation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM) Technical Symposium & Exhibition Bandung, Indonesia Ms Nurmala Sari Secretariat The 25ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM) Technical Symposium & Exhibition Graha Irama, 11 floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok X - 1, Kav. 1 & 2, Jakarta, Indonesia Tel : (+62-21) 526 1105 or 526 1106 Fax : (+62-21) 526 1107 , 526 1108 Email : afcm2018@asi.or.id Website : www.afcm2018indonesia.com April 4–6, 2018 - 5. 2 nd Global CemProcess Conference & Exhibition London Robert McCaffrey Global CemProcess Conference Convenor E-mail: rob@propubs.com May 23-24, 2018 Process optimization De-bottlenecking Production maximization and troubleshooting
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