Cement, Energy and Environment
51 Table-4 Strength (N/mm2) for Various Proportions/Ages of Nano-added OPC Mortar Sl. No. %Nano additions in Cement (OPC) 7 day strength 28 day strength 90 day strength 180 day strength 365 day strength Individual Cube Strength Avg. % increase Individual Cube Strength Avg. % increase Individual Cube Strength Avg. % increase Individual Cube Strength Avg. % increase Individual Cube Strength Avg. % increase 1. OPC (0% nS/CNT/ TiO 2 ) 21.33 21.08 Control Sample 35.20 31.89 Control Sample 24.14 31.20 Control Sample 23.81 30.01 Control Sample 29.01 30.01 Control Sample 21.08 28.57 38.26 36.22 30.01 20.83 31.89 31.20 30.01 31.01 2. OPC(0.5% nS) 21.82 23.85 13.1% 29.68 35.51 11.4% 41.93 41.3 32.7% 28.17 27.47 -9.2% 25.76 26.76 -4. 3% 25.87 41.33 40.67 26.79 26.76 23.85 35.51 41.30 27.47 27.76 3. OPC(0.75% nS) (optimized@28 day) 28.06 27.73 31.5% 46.28 42.27 32.5% 51.75 49.85 59.8% 40.24 32.52 8.4% 30.5 31.5 4.7% 27.39 38.26 47.95 24.80 31.5 27.73 42.27 49.85 32.52 32.5 4. OPC(1.0% nS) 25.15 25.07 18.9% 31.57 37.36 17.2% 41.32 42.98 37.7% 29.59 33.68 12.2% 31.41 32.41 8.0% 25.00 43.15 44.64 37.78 32.41 25.07 37.36 42.98 33.68 33..41 5. OPC(1.25% nS) 21.52 23.17 9.9% 23.47 30.85 3. 3% 33.27 39.45 26.4% 44.46 35.24 17.4% 30.3 31.3 4. 3% 24.73 38.23 45.63 26.02 31.3 23.17 30.85 39.45 35.24 32.3 6. OPC(1.5% nS) 24.15 23.81 12.9% 40.89 37.79 18.5% 34.69 33.42 7.1% 31.63 31.23 4.1% 29.12 29.12 -3.0% 23.47 34.70 32.14 30.82 29.12 23.81 37.79 33.42 31.23 29.12 7. OPC( 0.02% CNT) (optimized@28 day) 16.86 17.69 -10.4% 42.35 43.75 38.7% 34.60 35.59 15.5% 34.69 30.89 10% 22.83 28.53 -4.9% 20.12 44.63 35.59 33.13 34.18 16.10 44.27 36.60 24.85 28.57 8. OPC( 0.05% CNT) 32.56 27.19 -16.1% 41.95 34.88 37.2% 41.24 31.85 14.1% 54.30 38.55 3.0% 34.21 41.69 38.9% 24.86 31.35 24.13 31.18 41.69 24.14 31.35 30.18 30.18 49.17 9. OPC( 0.1% CNT) 24.14 21.69 28.9% 23.00 24.83 9.4% 28.17 31.50 2.1% 27.78 30.16 23.6% 49.60 50.78 69.2% 20.54 27.00 30.61 32.09 40.24 20.41 24.49 35.71 30.61 62.50 10. OPC (1% TiO 2 )(optimized @28 day) 24.45 25.24 19.7% 38.70 36.71 12.6% 33.61 35.92 15.1% 29.59 33.42 11.4% 42.47 41.16 37.2% 26.02 36.71 35.92 33.42 39.86 25.24 34.72 38.23 32.25 41.16 11. OPC (2.5%TiO 2 ) 20.05 20.34 -3.5% 36.73 34.97 9.6% 35.21 37.80 21.2% 39.24% 40.95 36.5% 25.51 28.16 -6.2% 20.62 33.20 37.80 442.66 30.81 20.34 34.97 40.40 40.95 28.16
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