Cement, Energy and Environment
44 1350m 3 and steel structure for preheater is recommended. Kiln – Nominal capacity of the Kiln is 6500 TPD of size 5.2m diameter, 72m length @4.5rpm with multi channel burner and can produce up to 7500 TPD with clinker cooler of 150m 2 grate area . Kiln volumetric loading for maximum production will be 5.7 TPD/ m 3 . Cement Grinding – Vertical Mill is preferred due to its versatility and flexibility in grinding PPC and PSC depending on change in market scenario. Requires less space, consistency in product fineness and ease of maintenance as compared to roller press and ball mill combination. Two mills each of 250 TPH @380m 2 / kg is recommended. Packing & Dispatch – Electronic microprocessor packer with double discharge is trend of the day. Six packers each of 120TPH with matching wagon loaders & truck loaders is recommended. 4. Power Requirement & Power Consumption Considering optimised situation total power requirement for the plant will be 187million Kwh/annum where 68million Kwh/annum (37%) will be met by WHRPP and balance 119million will be met through grid or Captive Thermal Power Plant. The requirement and consumption @ 85% capacity utilisation of plant will be Connected Power Kwh/Ton Clinker Kwh/Ton Cement Grinding Kwh/Ton Total Avg. 25MW 48 28 69 However, lower power consumption can be achieved with stable operation & higher Fly Ash usage. 5. Project Cost Following items are taken into consideration to estimate Project Cost. SN ITEM 1 Site Development, Grading ,Soil Testing etc. 2. Civil & Structural Clinker Plant 3. Civil & Structural Cement Grinding 4. Clinker Plant Equipment Supply (Mechanical , Electrical , Automation) 5. Cement Grinding Plant Equipment Supply (Mechanical , Electrical , Automation) 6. Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant 7. Erection & Supervision (Mechanical, E&I) 8. Technical & Design Fees 9. Miscellaneous FixedAssets 10. Preoperative Expenses 11. Contingency 12. Project Management , Training 13. Working Capital 14. Total Project Cost Note : Project Cost is only a typical example showing different cost elements based on experience & present norms. Actual cost will be case to case basis depending upon the location and cost of various materials - steel / cement etc. Interest during construction period and margin money for working capital not mentioned as depends on specific cases. 6. Project Implementation Schedule
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