Cement, Energy and Environment

33 cement manufacturers like M/s UTCL for its plants in South and Rajasthan. Conclusion KHD’s tradition of innovation in energy efficiency & environment is adequately reflected through evolution in cement technology and Cement manufacturers have expressed their confidence by their long association with KHD. With unparalleled expertise in this area, KHD offers green field cement plants & wide spectrum of products and aftermarket services for the cement industry to achieve lowest possible energy consumption, highest equipment reliability and improved productivity Energy efficiency, Plant availability and Maintenance cost are the key influential elements which prescripts the overall cement plant performance. Despite the historic progress in Cement Industry still there is ample room for improvement in these areas. In addition, controlling NOx emissions from Cement plant is one emerging area of concern for all the cement plants, especially in India with recent statutory norms imposed by Government.KHD with its innovative and proven ideas is moving forward in Industry with the concept of an efficient cement plant as the one which has lower energy consumption, Increased TSR, Lower emissions, high availability of the system and equipment reliability ******