Cement, Energy and Environment

29 KHD Road Map for Energy, Efficiency & Environment Practices A K Dembla, P V R. Murthy and Ms Deepti Varshney KHD Humboldt Wedag India Private Limited, New Delhi 1.0 Introduction In the journey towards inclusive growth of a country, the cement sector plays a vital role in its economic advancement and stays as one of leading focal points for the construction sector and all infrastructure projects. The industry occupies an important place in the Indian economy because of its strong linkages to other sectors such as construction, transportation, coal and power. The Indian cement industry is involved in production of several types of cement such as Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement (PBFS), Oil Well Cement, Rapid Hardening Portland Cement, Sulphate Resisting Portland cement, White Cement, etc. The latest acceptability and inclination is for the production of Composite Cement owing to its quality parameters. With the enormous growth potential of the infrastructure and building material it was envisaged in initial stages only that the demand of cement is going to be multifold. Due to the incessant changing technology and requirements of cement Industry, KHD being a responsible technology supplier is steadily delivering and contributing its best from past 160 years presenting a sterling example in fulfilling the responsibility as a prime technology supplier. Continual development based on the need from the industry, guided the technology providers to think ahead and gear up to provide the cement industry with the latest state of art technology integrating the innovations which are leading to the sustainability of the plants in long run. With the depleting resources, concerns for growing greenhouse emissions & sustainable practices KHD with its long vision approach worked out that for the growth to be consistent the principle which will form the basis should be derived on the sustainable life cycle. In recent years KHD has started moving forward and keeping in view all the factors a 360 degree approach was followed and road map for 3 E was formulated KHD is now providing the solutions to the industry which are not only directed towards the best optimized energy efficient plants but also cost effective investment. With trademark technology solutions and special considerations for environment requirements KHD has incorporated the focus of 3E at every step of the project design and implementation. The following sections will discuss in detail on the aspects and measures which KHD is providing to benchmark the technology as best in the industry and the approach that is integrated at every turning point of these plant’s execution & implementation. 2.0 Inception of Energy Efficiency & Environment Concept Being global leader for providing the cement plant technology KHD has already revamped its base for Technology as “Energy, Efficiency and Environment”. It is worth to mention that the focus on “3E- Energy, Efficiency, and Environment” not only include the reduced energy consumption, gaseous emissions and increased availability of the machine & system but also the use of alternate fuels & raw material, blended cements and Thermal substitution which is going to take a huge endorsement from the industry. With enormous growth potential in India it becomes vital to realize that all the natural resources which are used for manufacturing process are depleting and to some extent nonrenewable also. Effective utilization of these resources is the key to sustainability. So it becomes important to look out