Cement, Energy and Environment

15  Water and soil analysis;  Energy Audit and Environmental Audit;  Air quality monitoring in different regions in respect of suspended particulate matter and polluting gases such as SO 2 , NOx, CO and Hydrocarbons in ambient air. The centre also coordinates National Energy and Environment Award schemes for cement industry. Centre for Quality management, Standards and Calibration Services (CQC) provides calibration, proficiency testing, standard reference materials and TQM services. The services include:  Development of improved methodologies of standardization and calibration;  Calibration of equipment in various fields like mass & volume, force, pressure, temperature, dimension and RPM from ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratories;  Development and supply of certified reference materials for chemical and mechanical parameters;  ISO 17043:2010 accredited (by NABL) PT services for cement, fly ash limestone, coal/pet coke, clinker, granulated slag, water for concrete and aggregate, mortar/concrete cube, concrete admixture, steel bar, building brick, tile, paver block;  Sponsored project services relating to TQM include Laboratory assessment and proficiency improvement; Quality monitoring service; Assistance in laboratory accreditation as per ISO 17025; Training programme/workshop on ISO 17025; Application of statistical techniques, and customized services on PT and reference materials. The centre calibrates nearly 1800 equipment in mechanical and thermal field, through its accredited laboratories. It has developed 77 types of reference materials for chemical and mechanical parameters. Moreover, about 12 PT schemes are conducted by NCB every year in chemical and mechanical testing of cement and construction materials. NCB has successfully conducted 58 PT schemes till date. The centre conducts research projects relating to Reference materials, customer satisfaction and quality excellence, TQM tools, benchmarking, and also coordinates National Quality Award scheme for cement industry. Knowledge dissemination is one of NCB’s major activities which is carried out through organizing training courses, workshops, symposia and seminars. Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) conducts training programmes for cement, concrete and construction sector. It conducts long- term and short-term courses, contact training programmes and special group training programmes, for industry professionals on cement and concrete technology. These programmes are conducted at NCB’s Ballabgarh and Hyderabad units. PG Diploma Programme on cement technology is accredited by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education). So, this is one more accreditation which NCB is maintaining in the field of education in construction sector. Centre for Industrial Information Services (CIS) organizes workshops and symposia on topics of current issues. In 2016 and 2017, Symposia on Composite cement and Blended cements and a Seminar on Durability and Service Life Design of Concrete Structures were organized by NCB. All these events were highly successful. Besides, NCB biennially organizes International Seminar. Recently, NCB has successfully organized 15 th NCB International Seminar on Cement, Concrete and Building Materials in Delhi from 5-8 Dec 2017. The seminar evoked the participation of around 1200 delegates from 21 countries, showcased products by 118 exhibitor stalls and discussed around 200 technical papers. The seminar earned the praise of one and all for the huge scale of successful organization. 5.0 Strategic Quality Management, TQM and Business Excellence ISO 9001 standard provides systems approach to management of quality. Quality management system (QMS) is management-led and supported; it is strategic management of quality. TQM is about all business processes and satisfaction of all stakeholders, including the interests of the shareholders, and business profitability. There can be three approaches to implementing TQM: top- down; bottom-up; consultative. However, support of top management is crucial to the success of TQM. ISO 9001 and TQM, implemented in tandem, result in efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes and enhanced business competitiveness. Excellence in implementation of TQM results in business excellence. ISO is also gradually revising all management standards to bring them in common framework. Quality management in cement industry includes all processes: material mining, processing, manufacturing, storing, delivering and technical servicing. Quality is required to be controlled at each stage of the manufacturing process. The revision of ISO 9001, brought out in September, 2015, seeks to ensure that quality management is