Cement, Energy & Environment
. - .. :s t '5.1 7.4 11.2 1 27.2 28.5 :g,7 22.5 1 32.5 50.8 ,:: 32% United States 11.9 $ .2 Bnlzil 10.4 4.3 ,9.S -:12.7 7.S ,6.9 7.5 51% 5.S Arnerita$\(eJCCI.ItiS & 1.8 s.s s.s 4.7 5.4 6.4 11.0 7.0 -36% 27% Brazil) 1 10% :5.4 :europe i1lJ,6 27.7 37.4 57.8 167.1 67;9 92.3 101.0 27% S.5 Middle Ed & Africa o.s 0.4 1.6 1.9 3.7 3.1 6.7 5.5 -18% 50% :S.ffi <ct\iha 2.2 5.4 l O.O 14.9 24.S 37.4 44.5 52.2 17% 57<'.4 5.7 India 2.0 2.9 4.7 5.6 4.7 4.2 7.6 12.3 62% 29% :5.8 ~-Oc'ellmia((e.tel. rChina t.lfiQI8) i1.2 \810 s,o 1 0.1 11.0 12.1 18.4 21 .1 15% 17% T«**l se.s 80.8 86.5 132.8 186.6 180.1 219.8 257.5 17% 31% :Sedori.WISe llnvfttmenls: l'hoQgh .wind is tthe most mature.amongtthe new RE ~eehnoiQQies, .and has tbeen the singlellamest investmentsector cov.er treoent years, 1in 2011 solar •outpaced wind attracting near1y 1(jouble the investments. T-atal tinvestment in csolar .power jumped 52 .per cent .to $147 billion, tthanks tto booming rooftop PV installations in •Germany and ttaly, the spread of small-scale 1 PV·tol()ther couritries •from.China to the !UK, and .a spurt in tthe ffinancing .of large-.scale solar lthermal 1ele"Ctricity •generation projects in 'Spain .an(j the US. 1Qn the other hand, total investment in \wind power slipped ':12 fper cent to $84.billitm, impactedtby'tower.tutbine!prices, policy <unoortainty in fEurope and ·a 'Siow<iown in wind installations in China. Biomass and waste-.to– 'power was the 'third 1 argest ~ector for total 'RE investment, even 'though its .share fell 12 per cent ttl:> $10.6fbillion. IBiofuels cametfoutth,wlth a.total,of '$6.8 billion, dl:lwn 20 rper oont on 2010. Small 'hydmpower attranted $5.8 billion; <geothermal $2.9 tbillion; and ,wave and ttidal together'$246 million. 1Qoun'tr,y/I'Q91t:m~ls"& llnv.estments: As mentioned above, the developed .natil:lns led global investments in RE, backed latgely .by the 57 per oont surge in investments in the -US ($51 billion). RegiM-wise, Europe led with $101 billion. Investments in China, meanWhile fell to 17 per Gent; but the oountry still managed to marginally edge out US by investing $52 billiM. India displayed·the fastest expansion ·rate for investment in renewables market In the world in 2011, with a 62 per Gent increase ,to $12 billion, finishing in fifth plare globally. \Germany came third with an investment ()f.$91 LbilliM, followed by Italy with $29 billion. ihe ll:JK, -Spain Uapan, 'Brazil <and France made up the rrest of the top 10. Developed oountries led in lthe .solar, while the developing ones led in wind. IResearo'h .& Development: Global government R&D ·spending, which had doubled from $2.6 billion in 2008 to $5.3 billion in 2010, fell to $4.6 :billion in 2011 , lar:gely due to the rollback of green 'Stimulus programmes in Japan and Korea. -Corporate R&D dropped 1.9 per cent to $3.7 billion . Solar attracted most support, claiming almost half (49%) of all1he investment, despite a 16 per cent fall to $4 billion. It was followed by biofuels at $1.9 billion, and wind at $1 .2 billion. Venture Capital and P.rivate Equity: Overall, venture capital and private equity (VC/PE) investment in RE companies dipped 6 per cent to -$5 billion in 2011 due to the difficult financial atmosphere. While venture capital investment rose 5 per cent to $2.5 billion, private equity spending fell 15 per cent to $2.5 billion. Solar remained the biggest sector for VC/PE investment, rising 13 per cen't to $2.4 billion , with crystalline PV making up -30 per cent of the investments, followed by solar thermal electricity generation, and thin-film technology. The sharpest increases were seen in biomass and waste-to-energy sectors, where VC/PE business tripled (up 186%) to $1 billion, and geothermal, which climbed 73 per cent to $195 million. Biofuels investment went up 9 per cent to $804 million, with second..generation biofuels garnering the major share. Wind slumped 66 per cent to $520 million. The US remained the largest country for VC/PE by far, but investment slipped 11 per cent to $2.8 billion; while in Europe, spending rose 16 per cent to $ 924 million. VC/PE investments registered the fastest growth in India (up 334%) to $332 million. 'P.ubllc markets: Investment in RE through public markets fell 10 per cent to $1 0.1 billion in 2011 . The main reason for the under-performance of the 18 r
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