Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

47 • Increased life of cement plant: Lower grade limestone is generally more abundant than the higher grades, and hence, chemical additives offer the possibility of extending life of the deposits and dependent cement plants. • Reduced inefficiencies: Transporting limestone long distances is highly inefficient because up to 45% of the limestone mass is lost during the clinker making process, effectively doubling the cost of transport with associated CO 2 emissions. Product Design and Deployment We recommend undertaking a rigorous product development, testing and deployment exercise for each cement plant. Considering the unique challenges and constraints around various technical, mineralogical, commercial and market related factors, each use case requires customised product development. The following flow chart shows step wise process of designing and deploying customised chemical additives that can help reduce / eliminate sweetener content in raw mix. Table 3: Design & Deployment of Bespoke Chemical Additives to Offset Sweetener Consumption Need Assessment Plant Scale Trial Lab Scale Testing Deploy Full Scale Optimize and Iterate • Desired quality benchmarks • Impact of sweetener • Costs of input materials • Mineralogy, chemical, and physical properties of input materials • Process parameters • Develop and test products to offset and optimize: • Usage of sweetener (based on cost, life of deposits, etc) • Expected value addition from chemical additive • Test multiple formulations and select the most optimum product • Validate impact at plant scale. • Translate performance at lab scale to plant scale. • Deploy at full scale with most optimum delivery mechanism. • Install a robust mixing and dosing assembly integrated with the plant’s DCS panel for automation. • Constantly monitor the impact and performance. • Optimize various parameters such as dosage, process parameters etc to derive maximum value. • Iterate to stay aligned with evolving needs and objectives.