Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

2 EDITORIAL I am happy to present the January–June 2024 edition of the CMA Journal CEMENT, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT. As India aims at achieving energy independence and is also committed to transition to a low carbon economy, the Government of India is seen working in mission mode to raise the contribution of alternative and clean energy forms like Solar, Bioenergy, amongst others in the Country’s energy mix. Of late, National Green Hydrogen Mission was launched to achieve India’s goal to become Atmanirbhar through clean energy. The Indian Cement Industry is well conscious of the mounting social and economic challenges and continues to remain ahead of time in addressing such matters keeping pace with the dynamic and evolving applicable industry environmental, social and other standards. Articles presented in this issue have been curated to echo the above imperatives. We would welcome your valued comments on the Journal. APARNA DUTT SHARMA Secretary General