Cement Energy Environment

86 Figure 6: Rooftop Solar PV Panel This 150 KW solar power system consist of 3 inverters & 462 solar PV panels. The peak power of solar PV panel is 325 W. Each inverter is connected with solar PV panel of approx. 50 KW peak power capacities. These solar PV panels convert solar energy to electrical energy in the form of direct current. Inverters then convert direct current to alternating current. The inverters have local display& facility of communication with laptop/computer via Ethernet or Wi-Fi. These inverters also have feature of communication with mobile application. The output supply of all three inverters are connected in parallel& synchronized with Rajasthan SEB grid supply with MCC feeder of Administration Building. An energy meter is installed at MCC feeder measurement of generated power &hooked up with plants Energy Mgmt. System through which daily generation is monitored. Benefits: • Total solar power harnessed in FY 19-20 is 210990 KWH. • Around 1.73 Lakh Kg of CO2 reduction done per annum by solar PV installation. • Reduces carbon footprint of organization & has low maintenance. Daylighting is the practice of placing windows, skylights, other openings, and reflective surfaces so that sunlight (direct or indirect) can provide effective internal lighting. Particular attention is given to daylighting while designing a building when the aim is to maximize visual comfort or to reduce energy use. Energy savings can be achieved from the reduced use of artificial (electric) lighting or from passive solar heating. Artificial lighting energy use can be reduced by simply installing fewer electric lights where daylight is present or by automatically dimming/switching off electric lights in response to the presence of daylight – a process known as daylight harvesting. The amount of daylight received in an internal space can be analyzed by measuring illuminance on a grid or undertaking a daylight factor calculation. Computer programs such as Radiance allow an architect or engineer to quickly calculate benefits of a particular design. The human eye’s response to light is non-linear, so a more even distribution of the same amount of light makes a room appear brighter. Windows are the most common way to admit daylight into a space. Their vertical orientation means that Utilisation of Day Lighting they selectively admit sunlight and diffuse daylight at different times of the day and year. Therefore, windows on multiple orientations must usually be combined to produce the right mix of light for the building, depending on the climate and latitude. There are three ways to improve the amount of light available from a window: • Placing the window close to a light coloured wall, • Slanting the sides of window openings so the inner opening is larger than the outer opening, or • Using a large light coloured window-sill to project light into the room. Different types and grades of glass and different window treatments can also affect the amount of light transmission through the windows. The type of glazing is an important issue, expressed by its VT coefficient (Visual Transmittance), also known as visual light transmittance (VLT). As the name suggests, this coefficient measures how much visible light is admitted by the window. A low VT (below 0.4) can reduce by half or more the light coming into a room. But be also aware of high VT glass: high VT numbers (say, above 0.60) can be a cause of glare. On the other hand, you should also take into account the undesirable effects of large windows.