Cement Energy Environment
71 Figure 5: Online edition (5th August’,2013) of Times of India (TOI) highlighting NGT’s ban on Sand mining India today is divided into two parts-North vs South when sand availability is concerned after the National Green Tribunal (NGT) of Supreme Court banned sand mining in August,2013(see Figure.5). Misconceptions regarding M-sand are abounding and some even compared them with crushers’ dust. The following Table 1 gives the comparison between manufactured sand(M- sand) with crushers’ dust. Brief Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sl No. Colour Particle Shape Product Spec. Manufacturing process Gradation Suitability for concreting Parameters Grey Cubically shaped Manufactured as per IS, BS, ASTM standards International technology-controlled manufacturing process through imported machines As per IS:383(1970), Zone II Recommended for usage in concrete & mortar by concrete technologists worldwide & conforms with international standards. M-Sand Grey Elongated(shapeless) & Flaky Waste of stone crusher obtained as fractured dust No controlled manufacturing process as it is a by-product Doesn’t adhere to any standards Not recommended for use in concrete or masonry, neither it has any quality. Crusher Dust Table 1: Comparison between M-Sand v/s Crusher Dust
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