Cement Energy Environment
67 Capacitor Bank On/Off from remote through EMS For better safety and to reduce manual engagements we configured the DI/DO of HT breakers of Capacitor banks of our all three substations and now we enabled our system to switch on and off capacitor banks from remote through EMS. Alarm for Optimisation of Compressor Power For optimising the requirement of compressed air in our plant we first analysed the minimum requirement and then configured an alarm and pop up i.e. whenever 5 or more than 5 compressors run it will generate the alarm and popup so that the requirement can be reviewed and power can be optimised. Conclusion With increasing energy prices directly impacting the product prices in addition to widening energy demand-supply gap, industries are encouraged to go in for energy saving in addition to use of multiple energy sources. This can be accurately gauged by having an appropriate energy audit. A good and comprehensive energy audit will lead to a list of energy saving options that can be adopted. A detailed discussion on the audit findings leads to an energy management program. Some of the energy saving options requires additional investment. It is also important to remember that introducing renewable energy sources into the process needs additional systems that concerns power quality issues. Energy management system (EMS) enables regular energy data gathering and analysis used as a tool for continuous energy management. An EMS provides sensitive information to manage energy use in all aspects and is therefore an important element of an energy management programme. All organization should show its commitment to energy management by having a well-defined energy policy. The energy policy should be definitive, straight forward and motivating enough for all employees to contribute towards achieving the organizational goals.. Thus energy management in industrial utilities is the identification and implementation of energy conservation opportunities, making it a technical and management function, thus requiring the involvement of all employees so that energy is utilized with maximum efficiency.
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