Cement Energy Environment
64 Figure 7: Load Shedding SLD Load Shedding: An Innovative Approach Load shedding was an important aspect of the project and this led to innovative idea through which we enabled the system to shed load automatically and give pop up and alarms. There are total 3 no. of power sources through which our plant takes the load. • TPP • AVVNL • IEX Open Access power We made logics through programming in PLC considering different conditions. Also, we made a separate SLD named as load shedding SLD to monitor the critical loads and power sources. Power trading is done for 96 nos. of 15min blocks for the whole day and is done one day advance. As per regulations by IEX and Electricity Board when we trade for an amount of power then our MDI reduces in case we don’t get power in a particular block. In case MDI is crossed at any instance then the user is penalised heavily. Till now this was taken care manually by an engineer. Now for us the challenge was to develop a system which would automatically monitor the load and also shed the load accordingly. For this we developed a program in PLC which works as given below • A day before bidding schedule and approved power is uploaded by the engineer in system through excel sheet by a single click.
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