Cement Energy Environment

54 Benefits achieved As a result of the interventions, annual cost saving of INR 70 Lakhs including 54 Lakhs from thermal energy savings (8 kcal / kg clinker reduction) and 16 Lakhs from electrical energy savings (0.52 Kwh / MT Clinker) was achieved in this cooler MFR hole size modification. MFR Modification Schematic MFR Before modification MFR After modification 40404 50504 60604 70704 80804 90904 1001004 13016443 13016444 13016445 13016446 13016447 13016448 13016439 DWG no MFR size 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Dim X (mm) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 DimY (mm) NO HOLE Ø15 Ø22 Ø25 Ø33 Ø39 Ø54 Actual hole size d (mm) Ø34 Ø42 Ø51 Ø46 Ø56 Ø60 Ø70 New hole size D (mm) Recuperation E ciency % Cooler losses kcal/kg clinker Clinker temperature ®C Cooling air, Nm3/ kg Clinker Speci c Energy consumption SEC, kcal / kg clinker Description 66.0 135 180 1.70 744 Before 68.3 127 145 1.87 736 After