Cement Energy Environment

50 To stop solar heat gain from roof, reflective coating material or installing light-colored roofing materials capable of absorbing, and not transferring, solar radiation should be provide. No other data available. The energy performance of chiller systems depends on the heat rejection medium, ambient conditions, compressor efficiency and the load carried by each operating chiller. Instead of operating chillers at the same part load ratio, it is recommended to properly accounting for their part load performance characteristics, which maximize the entire system performance. In an existing building, modifying and improving the chilled water lines, replacing the single glazed glasses with double glazed glass, improving the thermal insulation, is complicated and challenging. It is always advised to consider building envelope design, materials, thermalconfort with overall energy consumption during the construction phase of the building. The behavioural change for setting higher indoor temperatures in summer-time lead to less prevalence of cooling systems. In situations/locations where air conditioning is unavoidable, a wider range of indoor thermal environment would mean less cooling requirements and hence less electricity consumption for the air conditioning systems. b. Energy Efficiency of Built Environment Maximum energy is consumed by HVAC systems and other chillering units. Some of the reasons for high power consumption and low efficiency are: Operating at low set temperature, Wrong selection of system (oversize or undersize equipment), manual control of system, aged system and poor maintenance, choked filters. The poor insulation of the chilled water tank leads to heat gain in summer and more loads on chiller. With proper insulation, the heat gain from the storage tank can be reduced up to 2- 5% based upon the ambient conditons. Energy Conservation Act 2001 support the uptake of energy conservation practices for equipments and appliances announced under energy conservation building code, the adoption of energy efficient appliances and technologies and several rating system in India. The changeover to energy efficient appliances leads to lower energy consumption (reduction of up to 23% in households) and lower instantaneous electric demand. c. Energy Efficiency and Recent Developments Advanced IEQ control systems use learning-based methods, Rule-Based Control (RBC),Model based Predictive Control (MPC) and agent-based control systems. The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and smart metering systems create intelligent buildings to improve energy efficiency, comfort, health and productivity of occupant in facility units. Recent domains of AI that are widely used in buildings are Computational Intelligence (CI) or soft computing and Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI). Selection of building climate control strategy is highly dependent on the available computational capacity. Appliances equipped with motion sensors or connected to an automatic centralized control system based on occupancy or utilization, bring higher reduction than conventional appliances and can result in a 10% reduction in energy consumption compared to appliances without any power control systemor equipped with a standby mode. Buildings equipped with recent lighting system like LEDsthrough out in their campus can lead to optimized use of lighting however, in the less occupied spaces there is a need of motion sensors. Buildings with centralized chiller plants may be provided with thermal storage facility for chilled water in the basements or in underground holes. Most of the commercial complexes require the HVAC system during day time so the buildings with thermal storage can operate their chiller plants during nonpeak hours and store the chilled water and same could be utilized during day time. Sensors are used to collect data on environmental conditions to manage and operate a facility. These are distributed through the monitored spaces to collect relevant data. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a promising technology that will upgrade the data collection and convenient to monitor. The sensors are coupled with actuators which are responsible for the system operation (blinds, lightings and heaters). Indoor environmental climate controls can be linked to immediate occupancy information.