Cement Energy Environment

48 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (HVAC) are energy guzzlers in any air conditioned commercial building. The purpose of a HVAC system is to create a comfortable environment by adjusting the four parameters of indoor air - temperature, humidity, air flow, and cleanliness, for the person inside the room/facility or product/process to meet requirement. Another high energy consuming section in building is lighting systems. Lighting not only provide a basic visual environment for occupants, but also have a significant impact on human health, work efficiency, and building energy consumption. Today, many people spend most of their day indoors. Therefore, it is important to create a comfortable visual environment to improve the living environment of the occupants and improve the efficiency of work. Thermal comfort in environment is important because discomfort in thermal conditions are potentially life- threatening for humans if the core body temperature reaches conditions of hyperthermia (> 37.5–38.3 °C or 99.5–100.9 °F) or hypothermia (< 35.0 °C or 95.0 °F). Buildings modify the conditions of the external environment and reduce the effort that our body needs to do in order to stay stable at a normal human body temperature, important for the correct functioning of our Visual comfort is usually defined through a set of criteria based on the level of light in a room, the balance of contrasts, the colour ‘temperature’ and the absence or presence of glare. Visual comfortis a reaction to the quantity and quality of light within any given space at a given time. It depends on our ability to control the light levels around us. Inadequate as well excessive light can cause visual Thermal Comfort Visual Comfort Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is the quality of a building’s environment directly linked to health and comfort of occupants using that space. IEQ is determined by many factors including lighting, air quality, and damp conditions. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is a general indicator of the quality of conditions inside a building. It can also include functional aspects of space, for example whether the layout provides access to equipment when needed and whether the building has sufficient space for its occupants. In this regard it is necessary to address for thermal comfort, visual comfort and air quality etc. and their role in IEQ improvement. physiological processes. Six primary factors that directly affect thermal comfort are defined as • Metabolic rate • Clothing insulation • Air temperature • Mean radiant temperature • Air speed • Relative humidity discomfort. Changes in light level or sharp contrast can cause stress and fatigue due to human eye permanent adaption to light levels. It can vary depending on the following factors: • Time of exposition • Type of light • Color of the eyes/ age of the person HVAC System Lighting O ce equipments Other auxillaries 55% 25% 15% 5% Percentage Break-up Area of Comsumption Table 1: Energy consuming areas in Commercial Building