Cement Energy Environment

47 ADVANCED TOOL FOR GREEN AND ENERGY EFFICEINT BUILDING DESIGN Current projections indicate that 66 percent of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. Population equivalent to 7 (seven) “New Delhi” size cities is added per year to world’s urban population. According to the data published by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), urban share of GDP in India will rise to 75% in 2030-31. Buildings represent around 40% of world’s primary energy consumption. They are, therefore, directly responsible for increase in greenhouse gases and can play a key role in climate change adaptation. To achieve an energy efficient building regime, governments, businesses and individuals must transform the way buildings are designed, built and Abstract operated. Energy efficient buildings (new constructions or renovated existing buildings) can be defined as buildings that are designed to provide a significant reduction of the energy need for heating and cooling, independently of the energy and of the equipments that will be chosen to heat or cool the building. The area of study is to develop understanding of high performing building envelope and drive adoption of energy efficient built to investigate and quantify the energy impact from the expected proliferation of important energy efficient solutions. By Ankur Mittal, Ashutosh Saxena, B N Mohapatra National Council for Cement & Building Materials (NCB), Ballabgarh (Haryana) Construction of building uses land, energy, water, and natural resources, and produces construction waste and releases greenhouse gases causing ecological imbalance. The buildings can develop the capacity to curtail GHG emissions and reduce the carbon footprint by incorporating building codes or rating systems in Introduction India. In a building. Energy audit reports and literature review indicates a typical break up of electrical energy consumption in Built Environment of commercial buildings is indicated in Table 1