Cement Energy Environment
46 Key recommendations for achieving these objectives 1. Increase the use of clinker substitutes • Promote the development and acceptance of new cement standards. • Promote and encourage the propagation of good practices and R&D, to create better understanding of opportunities in clinker substitutes. • Develop campaigns and training events and awareness for the actors in the entire length of the cement supply chain. 2. Encourage and enable the use of alternative fuels • Modify existing legislation • Create specific legislation on co-processing of Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) • Encourage other ways of disposing of waste, promoting isonomic conditions of competitiveness between disposal methods. • Promote the creation of an energy policy that accelerates the transition from an economy based on fossil fuels to a low carbon economy. • Encourage the development and use of new alternative fuels, especially biomass. 3. Promote the adoption of best available technologies in energy efficiency for new plants and retrofits • Share the best practices on a national and international level for the promotion of energy efficiency and reduction of CO 2 emissions in the cement industry. • Create or identify the available mechanisms for financing both on a public and private, national, and international level. Acknowledgements A special thanks to Paulo Camillo Penna, President of ABCP and SNIC and his team for all support and contribution with information, material and studies. References Cement Technology Roadmap - Carbon Emissions Reduction Potential in the Brazilian Cement Industry by 2050/ coordinated by Gonzalo Visedo and Marcelo Pecchio. Rio de Janeiro: SNIC, 2019 64 p www.cimento.org 2021 www.abcp.org.br 2021 www.snic.org.br 2021 Macroeconomic Scenario XP April 2021, XP Investimentos Bradesco Weekly Report April 23, 2021
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