Cement, Energy and Environment

80 INVITATION FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Original contributions are invited in the following broad areas of cement industry operations: v Energy Management and Saving v Environmental Management and Improvement v Productivity Enhancement v Material Conservation Typically, these could be: v Success stories on Energy Saving, Environmental Improvement, Material Conservation; v Diagnostic/Case studies on specific problems/deficiencies met with in plant operation; v Reports on Productivity enhancement studies/campaigns; v Reports on Benchmarking of plant performance; v Results of R&D on energy efficient technologies/machinery; v Results on plant renewal/modernisation; and v Summary Proceedings (with recommendations where available) of Seminars/ Conferences devoted to Energy Environment and Productivity matters in cement industry Authors are requested to send their contributions to K.K. Roy Chowdhury, Consultant, Cement Manufacturers' Association, 3rd Floor, 7, Ins tu onal Area, Vasant Kunj, Phase-II, New Delhi-110070, preferably in CD or electronically at kk.roy@cmaindia.org . It will be appreciated if material is supported by graphics and colour photographs.