Cement, Energy and Environment

CONCLUSION To foster an exchange of ideas and dialogue with policy makers and businesses to comprehend where we are headed, CMA for the first me has designed a High-Level One day Conference (CONCREATECH 2018).But it had its own measures of strength and weaknesses, though the strength outnumbered its flaws or defects. In India, universi es are at present having good research facili es and development of ideas. But there must be academia-industries interface so that firms promo ng research and universi es ensure their research is delivered as a successful venture. Currently, research and development in our country is generally confined to a narrow circle of academicians and end in conferences or seminar or journal papers or reports with very li le industrial applica ons. The main challenge of transfer of such R&D from laboratories to field lies in organizing, implemen ng and direc ng the research efforts in a well- coordinated manner through appropriate collabora on [1]. Research and development must have strong linkages with industry for mee ng socio-economic goals [2]. University professors and the young research scholars working under the professors comprise an enormous pool of exper se and resources which must be tapped to solve many a challenging problems faced by the society in the fast changing world with global compe on.CMA should outreach its arms and extend its pla orm to include in its panel, the academic researchers in the cement – concrete sector as well as it has done for other facul es like economics. References: 1. Chakraborty,S.S.(1999) “Iden fica on of need and Areas of Inter-Ins tute Collabora on for Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Project”, Proc. of Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Water Resources and Environment – Need for Inter-Ins tute Collabora on, organized by Dep . Of Civil Engg., Delhi College of Engg./Delhi Technological University. 2 . –Mazumder S. K. (2014) “Industry Academia Collabora ons for Engineering Excellence” org. by BECAAD, at Gulmohar Hall, IndiaHabitat Centre, NewDelhi on 13-Sep-2014. 3. h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd0whpNqZXg&t=6699s 79