Cement, Energy and Environment
Mr Mahendra Singhi(VP, CMA, India & MD and CEO, Dalmia Cement Ltd.) drawed upon the idea that Indian cement companies(which are ahead from their European counterparts in terms of efficiency) should opt to go from 'low carbon' to 'lowest carbon' to 'carbon neutral' to 'carbon nega ve' by choosing proper technology not only from the cement sector but other sectors as well & lastly our Government should learn how to adopt 'polluter to pay' principles from abroad regarding u liza on of waste & emissions. Mr Benjamin Sporton(CEO, Global Cement and Concrete Associa on) chalking the similari es between coal with cement-concrete (w.r.to carbon, climate change & sustainability issues) said that we need to collaborate with en es like government, policy makers, ins tu ons & technology providers in order to strike a balance between profit maximiza on & ushering climate- change so that whole-value chain approach is achieved in concrete along with circular economy, concrete recycling, economic/environmental & re- carbona on issues. Mr Ramesh Ramanathan(Head Investments for Manufacturing, Agri- businesses & Services, South Asia,IFC) briefed that IFC has been suppor ng CSI since 2010 with 50% of its past investments in the cement sector alone & has been a frontrunner in dealing with more bigger global challenges to socialize the concept of green development, green growth, low carbon intensity in the climate- change field & is also the biggest tool to catalyze private Sector investment in technologies related to cement sector. It was anchored by the same Mr Gaurav Choudhury, Deputy Execu ve Director, Moneycontrol.com . The session was followed by a cocktail Dinner. 78
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