Cement, Energy and Environment
Harvard Ins tute of Design, formerly MD, SMART (Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research Transforma on)) briefed about how the mobility industry could help in promo ng sustainability by properly connec ng the dots in the cement sector. Mr Siddharth Hande (Founder/CEO, Kabadiwalla Connect) shared his vision on the 'Polluter to Pay' principles by ci ng Plas c Economy concept & how industry would have to take up leadership roles on the lines of Ellen Mac Arthur Founda on. He also pointed out 'EPR' (Extended Producers' Responsibility) as legisla ve strategy reinforces sustainability. Ms Claude Lorea (Cement Director, Global Cement and Concrete Associa on) shared some thoughts on approach of European Cement Industry in adop ng sustainability & low carbon future to food supply chain in European cement industries star ng from clinker produc on to concrete produc on. Anchor Mr. Dilip Yadav (Founding Partner of First Partners) asked for further insights & session had inputs from Mr.Henshaw about IT governance & 5G, Mr.Shah comparing investments in cement industry w.r.t R&D/Technology with that of Pharma and Agrochemicals and success of Holcim in using the pre- processing facility of waste. Lastly, Mr.Hande joined in with decentralized supply chain concepts in waste like IOT Smart Bins & on audience ques ons, Ms Lorea responded by ci ng examples of how Germany, Poland effected a highly efficient waste management system across all industries there. Luncheon Sponsor Mr.Sujogya Kumar Dash, MD, Xcoal Energy & Resources India Pvt. Ltd. presented the value prospects of Thermal coal in the Indian market followed by Lunch at 1.25PM. 74
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