Cement, Energy and Environment
th 150 birth anniversary and it involves behavioural change like both using & maintaining toilets, providing data on target & achievements under this mission (ii) AMRUT whose 24,000 projects of Rs.74,000 Crores targeted towards improving water supply, sewer & drainage approved under different States annual ac on plan for 2015-20 & (iii) AMRUT Technology Challenge (to address the need for non- essen al human entry for cleaning of sewage & sep c tanks) cross referencing them with SDG-6(to ensure access to sanita on for all by 2030).He concluded by saying that PMAY- Housing for All by 2022 is going ahead of me with 6.5 million individual homes already constructed out of 11 million, with 1 floor being added every week by technology basis and 2 India needs 700- 900 m urban space(equivalent to Chicago) every year . A Booklet for schoolchildren was released by him, in which thirty students from three different schools in Delhi par cipated. A er a Refreshment & st networking break the 1 session on BUILDING THE NATION: PERSPECTIVES AND PROSPECTS started on 11.00 AM. Mr.Thomas Armstrong ( Managing Editor, Interna onal Cement Review) presented charts moving from the global scenario of cement consump on to the local one and about the global financial crisis and merger of large cement companies like Heidelberg, Holcim, Italcemen .He added that these mergers helped to create a space not only for China but also of India & Africa's a er poin ng out the recent fall in Chinese cement consump on in the last 3 years. Mr.K.K.Maheshwari(MD, Ultra Tech Cements Ltd.) talked about the Indian cement industry's two sides, the +ve and –ve, demand- supply issues, its over-capacity u liza on, na ons growth rate in comparison with China's, contribu on of various sectors like housing,infrastructure, commerial,roads etc. concluding with the fact that, the future will con nue to remain bright for India, if we know how to navigate the road bumps. Dr.Pronab Sen(Country Director Interna onal Growth Centre's India Central Programme) 72
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