Cement, Energy and Environment

INTRODUCTION There has been a posi ve wave of changes across the Indian Cement Industry, significantly on the front of Cement economics and Sustainability. Keeping this in mind, CMA has designed Sustain to Gain the preroga ve theme for CON CREATE CH 2018, a pla orm to nurture conversa ons around driving business integra on with the developmental alterna ves along with the sustainability th impera ve in its 56 AGM and which will be held in every two years. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India was the suppor ng ministry for CMA's CON CREATE CH 2018. BRIEF DISCUSSION CON CREATE CH 2018 was held on th 29 November, 2018 at Hotel ITC Maurya, New Delhi. The Chief Guest was Mr.Hardeep Singh Puri, Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India, whose keynote address was delayed due to his Pakistan- Karatpur corridor visit stressed upon the fact that India (who strives to a ain a 5 trillion dollar economy in 2025 & 10 trillion dollar economy in 2030) received MDGs as 'take it or leave it' basis & MDGs succeeded due to developing countries like China ( & to some extent India) but SDGs which follow a different architecture & design, reflec ng Indian ethos & priority will succeed, because India will succeed. He added that PM Modi before being elected in 2014 started working on SDGs(i.e. working out goals in all stakeholder manner from Bo om upwards) before they were adopted in UN. He men oned a few of the flagships programmes as before, which are -- (i) Swach Bharat Mission which states that India should be open defaeca on free with 100% waste management before Mahatma's PROCEEDINGS OF CONCREATECH 2018 – SUSTAIN TO GAIN Prof. Mainak Ghosal Jt.Secretary,Coal Ash Institute of India 71