Cement, Energy and Environment

70 informa on—data that registers the natural world not simply as it is, but as it changes.Thus the 5P benefits of big data: produc vity, preven on, par cipa on, personaliza on and predic on. Experts and Trade pundits show why smart lights can pave the way for the next disrup on: a) High Bay Light represent a substan al por on of city energy budgets, up to 40 percent. b) Smart street lights and Smart High Bay Lights can save 50 percent to 70 percent of this cost by dimming when ac vity is low, which means the city saves big money. These savings can be used to reduce Plant expense and to fund future ini a ves while offering the u lity a chance to increase its asset base at the expense of energy costs. c ) Networked LED lights can provide not only energy savings, but informa on about outages or other anomalies in the energy network. d) Lights can be remotely dimmed to reduce energy usage. Networked lights can also be managed by smart devices that adjust ligh ng in response to traffic pa erns and help iden fy roadway hazards. e) Networked ligh ng systems are also seen as a viable pla orm on which solu on providers can build future sensing, data gathering and communica ons capabili es. For example, networked lights can communicate with video cameras, parking sensors, environmental sensors, weather sensors and more through same network infrastructure. FUTURE Smart ligh ng and control solu ons specifically designed to simplify and personalize ligh ng for consumers, help solve complex business challenges and leverage data insights to meet customers' unique needs. Thus an enabling tool for many architects, engineers, facility managers, municipal leaders, electrical distributors, and contractors in the commercial, industrial, retail, ins tu onal, residen al, u lity and other markets As humans, we are biased to think linearly. As entrepreneurs, we need to think exponen ally. Although ar ficial intelligence and automa on will leave no area of life untouched, the job market will presumably be affected most profoundly. AI will yield results based on its ability to understand its environment, analyze data, draw conclusions, and learn from experience to achieve con nuous improvements. Smart Street Lightning has much more in it and future will evolve into something highly illumina ng. We are deba ng and discussing thus Light beyond Illumina on. Next phase of transforma ve technology advances, wearable and implanted devices will unlock human poten al by tapping into our mood, heart rate and thoughts! Welcome to the brave new world of Augmented Humanity (AH). In Japan and China a concept of Lights-out manufacturing is gaining momentum. Lights-out manufacturing refers to factories that operate autonomously and require no human presence. These robot-run se ngs o en don't even require ligh ng, and can consist of several machines func oning in the dark. While this may sound futuris c, these types of factories have been a reality for more than 15 years. So we are talking beyond illumina on. Credits: Bloomberg Report,Exponene al Organiza on Salim Ismail,Kran Na on Pranjal Sharama,Reports from Internet,E&Y Report Smart Light Market (Views Expressed are Personal.)