Cement, Energy and Environment
41 based on its ability to make phone calls, future buyers of smart-ligh ng will not be buying lights for their ability to produce illumina on. They will be buying into an ecosystem of applica ons and services that have absolutely nothing to do with light. You will find ligh ng intersec ng with adjacent industries like security, sensing, big-data, and even adver sing. Welcome To the world of Smart Ligh ng and exponen al possibility. As ligh ng systems get smarter, a vision of autonomous, self-commissioning illumina on systems is emerging where illumina on plays an ac ve role in managing human health and well-being, improving worker produc vity, providing wireless communica ons, and improving building management system opera on. Big Data “Light bulbs are des ned to become an essen al fixture in the IoT revolu on” Industry 4.0 will con nue to be driven by connec vity solu ons that don't stop at smartphones. Sensors too have become more accurate and efficient. They consume less power, can detect greater ranges and can o en be connected wirelessly to other devices to form a network that can monitor everything from one end of the business to the other. Data will be of Immense Importance and Internet will be life line. UBER is just a so ware tool, they don't own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world! Ask any taxi driver if they saw that coming. Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don't own any proper es. Ask Hilton Hotels if they saw that coming. A century ago, the resource in ques on was oil. Now similar concerns are being raised by the giants that deal in data, the oil of the digital era. These tans—Alphabet (Google's parent company), Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microso —look unstoppable. They are the five most valuable listed firms in the worldThe Internet is now the world's nervous system, with our mobile devices serving as edge points and nodes on that network. Think about that for a second: we'll be jumping from eight billion Internet-connected devices today to fi y billion by 2025, and to a trillion a mere decade later. Ten years ago we had five hundred million Internet- connected devices. Today there are about eight billion. By 2020 there will be fi y billion and a decade later we'll have a trillion Internet-connected devices as we literally informa on-enable every aspect of the world in the Internet of Things. Suddenly everything that is a lie is the truth, and everything that is true is a lie. The world is now being divided and defined differently. The second great disrup on is Technology. The pervasiveness of the Internet is transforming the way we eat, live, shop, travel and even the way we interact with each other. It has given rise to the sharing economy. This collabora ve consump on, a hallmark of the millennial and we have plenty of them, has changed the way we exist . Google, Facebook, Linkedin, all Mu billion dollar Company, are a result of digi zing our rela onships and , turning them into informa on. Industry veterans believe that most great new enterprises in the years to come will either build their businesses off new sources of informa on or by conver ng previously analog environments into informa on. This revolu on will be labeled Big Data. By combining vast stores of data with powerful new analy cal tools, there is an opportunity to see the world in a new way—and to turn the resul ng informa on into new business opportuni es. This is not just sta c informa on. It is also dynamic 69
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