Cement, Energy and Environment
68 Exponen al shi in Ligh ng Industry Acc ording to a new research report by Global Market Insights. Inc the Ligh ng Market in Cement industry is predicted to be valued at USD 24 billion by 2030. The smart ligh ng market growth is a ributed to worldwide ini a ves for development and the growing popularity of home and building automa on systems in residen al, commercial, and industrial sectors. As the modernized smart city infrastructure offers intelligent connec vity among different components of the administra ve framework such as transport, healthcare, and law & order, further ini a ves for developing smart ci es are likely to be undertaken aggressively around the world over the next one decade. The communica on technology market is expected to exhibit excellent growth between 2018 and 2024 due to rapid advancements in wireless communica on technologies such as LPWAN, Wi-Fi, and hybrid technologies. With the increasing popularity of highly interconnected IoT-based smart city ecosystem, these technologies are expected to play a cri cal role in enabling such intelligent and data driven infrastructure. In the light control market, sensors are expected to exhibit the fastest adop on over the forecast period. This accelerated adop on can be a ributed to technological advancements in different types of sensors, such as occupancy sensors and mo on sensors, which enhance the ability of smart ligh ng systems to effec vely react to the surrounding condi ons. Also, as these sensors enable remote operability of ligh ng systems through mobile devices, their u lity in connected ligh ng solu ons is likely to increase substan ally over the forecast meline. Brief about LPWAN LPWAN stands for Low-Power Wide Area Network, a wireless network designed to efficiently connect smart devices across long distances, usually through a low bit rate. LPWANs are ideal for IoT devices that don't need to manage large amounts of data, or for circumven ng more expensive gateway technology. This can include smart meters, consumer products, and sensors. The overall value of the LPWAN market is expected to reach $25 billion within 4 years. LoRa and NB-IoT is widely used and both operate within LPWAN technology. They are two major standards for low-power IoT devices. The LoRa Alliance developed LoRa in 2015 as a secure, energy- efficient IoT standard that makes it easy to onboard new devices. LoRa is shorthand for Long-Range (WAN) and is a modula on technology for LoRaWAN. LoRaWAN is a related set of low- power specifica ons for IoT devices. LoRa and LoRaWAN are not interchangeable terms; LoRaWAN refers to a LPWAN protocol standard and is not a technology in and of itself. LoRa defines the physical layer. Its security standards emphasize end-to-end encryp on, data authen ca on, and intelligent key deriva on. NB-IoT is an abbrevia on for Narrow Band IoT, a cellular standard developed by 3GPP. NB- IoT is not a standalone technology, but a cellular standard that aims to standardize IoT devices to be interoperable and more reliable. It can be implemented in a standalone or in-band spectrum manner and does not require gateways, while each LoRa device needs a gateway to func on (which can affect total cost). NB-IoT connects base sta ons directly with sensors. Why the need of Smart Ligh ng Just as no one buys a smartphone
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