Cement, Energy and Environment
41 first genera on. Tomorrow, if you add a facial or biometric recogni on system to your Kindle which can capture your expressions and physical reac ons, the device will be able to comprehend the emo onal impact the text is having on you, the reader. All this data could be used to help create highly effec ve stories. Ar ficial intelligence, as an author, will know exactly which bu on to push to make you react. Don't forget that ten years ago people thought that it would be impossible for ar ficial intelligence to translate texts. Now we have Google Translate, which suffices for simple texts, such as user instruc ons. Ligh ng in Cement Industry the next Change “The illiterate of the future are not those who can't read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler. Thus the true job enablers will be the digital savvy individuals. Connected Ligh ng represent a significant growth opportunity for companies offering connected LED solu ons. With LEDs domina ng the mainstream, the next emphasis in the community is 'connected ligh ng'. The ligh ng systems of the future in the cement industry will use AI to varying extents and in different formats. Learning will happen through sensing and combining other data into logical conclusions ; Ligh ng Industry is witnessing ephemeral change of “Smart LED Ligh ng” to Intelligent Ligh ng” and is now moving fast towards “Self- decisive (Edge based) LED ligh ng” ;Office and industry ligh ng is heading towards Industry 4.0 which will have individual light control and data collec on and analysis at the pla orm level to implement AI based automa on, which will have the least amount of human interven on. The same goes for outdoor ligh ng where the expecta on is to have analy cs inside the luminaries as well as “On the Road” edge based AI control and Cloud based monitoring with Ar ficial Intelligence” Just in Eaton Company has unveiled The HALO Home Smart Ligh ng System The Ligh ng Industry First Downlight with built in voice control by Amazon Alexa The complete system offers HALO Home smart interior and exterior ligh ng, controllers, voice control, remote access and the easy-to- use HALO Home App. The system allows dimming, white tuning, grouping, scheduling and scene se ng. Connected Ligh ng thus will be the next disrup ve force to reckon with. Thus most great new enterprises in the years to come will either build their businesses off new sources of informa on or by conver ng previously analog environments into digital informa on. Informa on will be the greatest asset of any Company. More reliably than any other asset, informa on has the poten al to double regularly. Rather than simply assembling assets, the key to success is accessing valuable caches of exis ng informa on Today and future scenarios it is not the big fish which eats the small fish it is the fast fish which eats the slow fish. Thus for veterans it is also about (un)learning and adaptability and in sync engagement, determina on, curiosity, insight and risk literacy (sta s cs). Google labs Recruitment and team forma ons is based on DNA profiling (suitability for the job based on par cular hormones, neurotransmi ers and health risks) and neuro profiling (right a tude, emo ons, focus, truth- telling, passion, avoiding cogni ve bias). Ar ficial Intelligence will recommend which people should work together and how to form teams for different tasks. 67
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