Cement, Energy and Environment

estate can forego or significantly reduce investments in costly waste incinerators; save large amounts of non-renewable fossil fuels and virgin raw materials; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; increase its waste treatment capacity and reduce exposure and nega ve impacts of hazardous chemicals. References Aqua Consult (2017) Sewage Sludge Moisture Reduc on and its Management in Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in Vapi, Gujarat. Dra report submi ed to GIZ, Main Task 3. Project-No.: 170308. April 2017. Doka G. (2003) Life Cycle Inventories of Waste Treatment Services. ecoinvent report No. 13. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf. December 2003. IPCC (2006) Guidelines for Na onal Greenhouse Gas Inventories Muller. B. (2013) Environmental assessment of different waste management systems for the common effluent treatment plant sludge in Vapi, India. Ins tute of Environmental Engineering (ETH) Zurich: Zurich, Switzerland. Saha P.K. and Karstensen K.H. (2017) Baseline Report on Waste Genera on and Current Waste Management Facili es in Vapi. SINTEF report No.: 2017:00392 Vermeulen, I., Caneghem J.; Block, C. Vandecasteele, C. (2009) Comparison of the environmental impact of the incinera on of calorific industrial waste in a rotary kiln and a cement kiln in view of fuel subs tu on. Leuven Catholic University (h p://www.incinera on.info/file s/publica ons/KUL%20study.pdf ) Vermeulen, I., J. Van Caneghem, C. Block, W. Dewulf and C. Vandecasteele (2012) Environmental impact of incinera on of calorific industrial waste: Rotary kiln vs. cement kiln. Waste Management 32(10): 1853-1863. 65