Cement, Energy and Environment

Figure 5 Scores in Eco-points obtained for the different scenarios using the Eco-Indicator 99 method Conclusion Based on available data and the understanding of the local condi ons an evalua on and comparison of different scenarios for the management of CETP sludge at Vapi has been performed using Life Cycle Analysis. The obtained results are site specific and depend strongly on the characteris c of the sludge, the type of drying and the required transport. Therefore, the findings for this study cannot be used for the selec on of a sludge management scenario for another site. The outcome of this study indicates that landfilling has the highest impact to the environment and therefore should be avoided for the CETP sludge disposal. When comparing incinera on and co-processing, co-processing is more beneficial for the environment with respect to most of the indicators. The results are in line with the waste management hierarchy which ranks Co-processing in resource and energy intensive industries (such as cement) higher than incinera on and landfilling. As pre-treatment op on, highest priority should be given for drying of CETP sludge for improving sludge quality and eventual recovery and disposal op ons. The drying of CETP sludge should be done using solar energy and closest to the source of sludge genera on, i.e. in Vapi or more preferably inside the CETP for significant reduc on of the waste volume and long-distance transporta on cost to the cement plants. By con nued integra on of the co-processing and treatment of wastes in energy and resource intensive industry, Vapi industrial 64