Cement, Energy and Environment
is landfilled and even showing to some extent a beneficial score due to fossil fuel savings. Global warming Landfilling as done today exhibits the worst score mostly due to emissions from the landfilled organic material releasing CO 2 and CH . If solar drying is 4 implemented this impact may be reduced to some extent. The global warming impact would be further reduced if gas collec on is also installed. The incinera on with heat and electricity recovery allow to avoid use of light fuel oil and electricity from the grid produced with coal. In turn this compensate the greenhouse gases emi ed during the incinera on. Coprocessing with solar drying as pretreatment allows to reduce global warming while all other scenarios contribute to global warming. Human toxicity Except from co-processing scenarios, all evaluated scenarios emit toxic compounds harmful for human health. The largest emissions are observed for landfilling which releases pollutants to air, water and soil and incinera on without energy recovery, followed by incinera on with energy recovery, which release pollutants through the exhaust gases but also through landfilling of ashes. During co- processing scenarios, toxic compounds are also released but in a lesser extent as no residue is landfilled. Furthermore, the saving of fossil fuel allows also to avoid emissions of human toxic compounds and compensate for the emissions due to transport. Fresh water aqua c ecotoxicity For landfilling and incinera on scenarios, similar reasoning as for the human toxicity can be used to explain the result obtained for this impact category. Co- processing scenarios display a nega ve score as no material is landfilled limi ng the emissions to water. Results obtained for the Eco Indicator 99 method (Single score) The Eco-Indicator 99 method allows to calculate a single-point eco-indicator score to simplify the interpreta on and the decision making. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the type of impacts, the score is split in three impact categories. Figure 5 displays the results obtained for the evalua on of the different scenarios using that method. Landfilling scores are considerably higher compared to other op ons mostly due to emissions that have an impact on human health and ecosystems. Incinera on scenario without energy recovery has also detrimental impacts due to emissions causing health issues and use of light fuel oil as addi onal fuel. The incinera on with energy recovery displays a be er score than when no energy is recovered as it allows to avoid use of fossil fuel for electricity and heat thus reducing also the emissions causing human health issues. Despite the long transport distance, co-processing scenarios display the best scores as they avoid use of resources and reduce toxic emissions. 63
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