Cement, Energy and Environment

such as CO and CH ), Human 2 4 toxicity (impacts on human health of toxic substances) and Fresh water aqua c ecotoxicity (impact of toxic substances emi ed to freshwater aqua c ecosystems). Abio c deple on For this study, the abio c deple on impact category displays mostly the use or avoided use of fossil fuels. All scenarios where solar drying and energy recovery are implemented allow to limit the use of fossil fuels and consequently these scenarios are beneficial to the environment for this impact category. The worst scenario is the one with incinera on without energy recovery which requires auxiliary fuel input such as light fuel oil without any heat or power recovered. The coprocessing scenario with solar drying as pre-treatment ranks best in this impact category although the long transport distance. Eutrophica on The landfilling scenarios display the highest scores for that category as large amount of nutrients are leaching from the landfill causing eutrophica on in the receiving water bodies. Incinera on scenarios have also a detrimental eutrophica on impact as ashes are landfilled releasing nutrients into water bodies. In the other hand, co- processing scenarios have very limited emissions causing eutrophica on as no solid waste Figure 4 Comparison of scenarios with respect to most relevant environmental impact categories (Obtained with the CML2 method) 62