Cement, Energy and Environment

the impact categories that an average European person causes in one year. This results in impact scores for each of the categories which are in turn mul plied by weight factors to get eco-points for each impact category. The impact scores of all impact categories can be aggregated to get one single score or eco-point for each unit process and product. The higher is the score, the more nega ve is the environmental impact. Table 2: The scenarios considered for LCA study with descrip on Scenario No. Name Description Landfill Scenario 0 Landfill (LF) without treatment Disposal to CETP sludge in sanitary landfill without any pre-treatment: only temporary storage in concrete vats before sending to landfill (the temporary storage situation is like depositing the sludge in a landfill) Scenario 1 Landfill after solar drying Drying of CETP sludge using solar energy in a glass house with equipped with a sludge turning system; dried CETP sludge has 10% moisture. Disposal to CETP sludge in sanitary landfill (with 10% moisture) Incineration Scenario 2a Incineration without energy recovery No pre-treatment Waste mix: CETP sludge (60% moisture) is mixed with Plastic wastes and additional auxiliary fuel (light fuel oil) to reach >23 MJ/kg of heat. Disposal by incineration of CETP sludge (with 60% moisture) without any energy recovery. Scenario 2b Incineration with energy recovery No pre-treatment Waste mix: CETP sludge (60% moisture) is mixed with Plastic wastes and additional auxiliary fuel (light fuel oil) to reach >23 MJ/kg of heat. Incineration of CETP sludge (with 60% moisture) with energy recovery: the heat from incineration can be used to substitute coal in Multiple Effect Evaporator (MEE); which is used to drive away moisture from high Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) industrial wastewater. Scenario 3a Co- processing after solar drying Drying of CETP sludge using solar energy in a glass house equipped with a sludge turning system; dried CETP sludge has 10% moisture. Co-processing of dried CETP sludge in cement kilns for energy and material recovery Scenario 3b Co- processing after solar drying Drying of CETP sludge using solar energy in a glass house equipped with a sludge turning system; dried CETP sludge has 25% moisture. Co-processing of dried CETP sludge in cement kilns for energy and material recovery. CETP Sludge Management Op ons and System Boundaries for LCA Study Solar Drying for Reducing Moisture Content In view of increasing sludge amounts in future, sludge drying is a suitable technical op on to reduce the volumes for storage and/or disposal. High moisture content has caused problems to the stability of the landfill site. In 2012, around 25 000 tonnes of sludge spilled out and spread over a 1.6-hectare area. Solar drying is a cost-effec ve op on where the dewatered sludge is distributed over large area in a greenhouse which is equipped with a sludge turning 57