Cement, Energy and Environment

current level of genera on. The chemical analysis, shown in Table 1 below, indicates that the sludge displays concentra ons of chloride, heavy metals and toxic organics above the limits for agricultural purpose (Aqua Consul ng Report, 2017). Furthermore, the sludge is not suitable for landfilling without stabiliza on (GCPC & S Kine c report, 2015). Table 1 Analysis of filter pressed CETP Sludge from Vapi according to Muller report (2013) The TSDF landfill will soon be exhausted and either a new landfill needs to be constructed or a new management alterna ve needs to be implemented. ncinera on and co-processing in cement kiln could be poten al management alterna ves to landfilling. For pre-treatment (i.e. moisture reduc on) at the CETP, using biogas from anaerobic diges on (AD) to dry the sludge and the solar drying have been suggested as possible op ons. To evaluate the different management scenarios, a compara ve Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been carried out. This paper presents the results evalua ng the different scenarios. Methodology for environmental impact assessment Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an 55