Cement, Energy and Environment

Suggested Ini a ves for SG u lisa on by Cement Industry As u lisa on by SG by cement industry is a WIN-WIN situa on for both Power and Cement sectors, following ini a ves may be considered . · U lisa on of SG for cement produc on is a new concept for Indian Cement Industry. Hence, as a first step, cement producers need to carry out laboratory tes ng of SG from FGD plants, which are in opera on and assess its technical feasibility for its usage. · Once it is technically feasible, Cement companies should carry out plant trials for arriving at the op mum levels of SG u lisa on in their plants. · The plant specific quality requirements of SG can be in mated to the Iden fied power plants from where SG can be supplied. · Short and long term contracts can be worked out between Cement & Power plants for supply of SG. Common Ini a ve As Limestone is required for FGDs, Integrated cement units can have an understanding with power producers about supply of Limestone to FGDs and in return receive SG from Power producers. This will benefit both the sectors as it op mises the landed costs at both ends. This ini a ve may require revision of condi ons of ML for Limestone by Cement companies and hence, it is suggested a joint ini a ve to be taken up by CMA & CEA for representa on with concerned departments of State/Central governments for relaxa on of ML condi ons and also for incen ves for cement industry for reducing the problem of disposal of SG. Cement & power producers can also jointly explore the possibility of installing SG dryers at Power plants to reduce the handling, transport & dosing problems associated with wet SG. Conclusion For next five years, problem of disposal of Synthe c Gypsum generated from FGDs of Power Plants is going to be a major issue for Power Plants. It is a big opportunity for Cement industry for u lisa on of SG in Cement produc on, and usage of SG in cement, not only reduces/eliminates the disposal problem but also subs tutes the mineral gypsum (imported/indigenous), used by the industry. Considering availability of 15 Million tons/annum of SG in next five years, it can sustain a Cement produc on capacity of about 350 million tons/annum. SG can act as import subs tute and also conserve the scare resources of mineral gypsum in the country. 53