Cement, Energy and Environment

46 REDUCTION OF RADIATION LOSSES The hot surface of the kiln is another source of waste heat recovery, in which heat loss occurs by convec on and radia on which is about 15.11% of the input energy. By using paint/coa ng to par ally block radia on on kiln surface can significantly reduce this loss which will reduce the fuel consump on and will increase the overall system efficiency by approximately 5-6% XYZ Cement Ltd. Invotech Solu on & Systems keep itself abreast of latest development in Cement Industry so as to cater the need of the Industry using latest technology and quality systems. Also, with a view to retain the requisite compe ve edge in the market, Invotech Solu on & Systems th par cipated in 15 NCB Interna onal seminar on cement, th concrete & building materials 5 th to 8 Dec, 2017 at Manekshaw Center, New Delhi. Subsequently, also par cipated in “Na onal workshop cum technology exhibi on for promo ng to promote energy efficient & cleaner produc on for th sustainable industrial growth”, 8 to 9th March, 2018, at India Habitat center, New Delhi, where presented a technical paper on “SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS IN ENERGY THROUGH FALSE AIR REDUCTION” & got award for “ UPCOMING ENTREPRENEUR IN THE FIELD OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY ”. Also par cipated in th 14 Green Cementech 2018 held th th on 17 to 18 May, 2018 at Hyderabad Interna onal Conven on Center, Hyderabad. In the near future, Invotech Solu on & Systems will also be th par cipa ng in 16 NCB Interna onal seminar on cement, concrete & building materials Dec, 2019 at Manekshaw Center, New Delhi CONCLUSION Substan al poten al for energy efficiency improvement exists in the cement industry and in