Cement, Energy and Environment

CASE STUDY In this study, heat loss from rotary kiln was examined. Analysis of energy balance was used to determine the sources of heat loss from kiln system. The major heat loss is Heat losses by the kiln exhaust gas (19.15%) Hot air from cooler stack (5.61%), Radia on from kiln surfaces (10.47%). Results indicate the presence of waste heat, which is 51% of the overall heat of the process. Some possible ways to recover the heat losses are introduced and discussed. SOLUTION- ARREST MASTER 3001 By coa ng the outer surface of kiln with a coa ng (Arrest Master 3001) to par ally block the radia on coming out of Kiln surface, significant savings can be achieved. Here the kiln parameters were examined & refractory brick lining chart is studied to analyze the savings which can be achieved. Generally savings ranges in range of 5-20% depending upon the opera ng parameters like area of kiln surface, Temperature Profile of kiln, Type of Fuel used, Calorific Value of fuel, Capacity of kiln, condi on of kiln shell, e.t.c. Significant proper es of Arrest Master 3001:- 1. Unaffected by UV rays. 2. The paint can be applied in plant running condi on. 3. Contains no vola le solvents. 4. Contains no hazardous fiber. 5. Does not require special equipment and handling. 6. Requires no solvents, ready to use. XYZ Cement Ltd. 43