Cement, Energy and Environment

42 thermal profile from the most recent temperature measurement. · T h e c o n fi g u r a o n o f thermal warp analysis. At a pre-selected period (for example 30 minutes), the system displays automa cally: · The shell temperature fluctua ons along the kiln. · T h e t h e r m a l n o n - axisymmetrical distor on of the kiln. · The clearance between tyres and shell. ADVANTAGE of Shell Scanner is to evaluate the risks of mechanical failures such as- · Risk of hot spots under the tyres. · Risk of excessive shell out- of-roundness under the tyres. · Risk of tyre constric on on the shell. · Risk of breakage of the tyres according to the fa gue criteria, · Risk of rollers slackening on the sha . · Risk of rollers and scaling off. · Risk of bearing bushes seizing. DETECTIONPRINCIPLE The system consists of calcula ng the kiln distor on induced by temperature changes over the shell in order to infer the cyclical overloads and associated stresses suffered by the shell, tyres and roller sta ons. The kiln thermo- mechanical distor on is calculated in real me from the shell thermal map drawn up by the shell infrared scanner.