Cement, Energy and Environment

RAIN WATER HARVESTING- MINE UNIT - 1 (Conventional Ground Total Area m 2 Water Recharge through RWH) 4 Catchment area of Rain water 52275 harvesting (250 mX 200 m) Rain water harvested (KL) . as on 69891.675 31 March 2013 UNIT- 2 (Designed by Furaat Earth Pvt Ltd.) Catchment area of Rain water 26250 harvesting (250 mX 105 m) 5 Rain water harvested (KL} As on 35096.25 31 March 2013 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of five sites were selected for rain water harvesting studies. Out of these five sites three were identified at Factory site and two at mine area. Furaat rain water system was installed at all location identified at factory area while one location at mine site was selected for it. Other site at mine area only conventiona l rain water harvesting system was followed. Among the three sites near the factory were the store building area, Hajibawa colony area near the factory and GDCL colony area. Total surface area covered was around 1620.8 m 2 near the store building, 8042.7 m 2 near Hajibawa colony and 1987 m 2 ear GDCL colony. A total area covered under rain water harvesting works out to be 11650.8 m 2 including all the three areas. While total rain water harvested in the plant area was around 15577.12 m3. This amount is really very good and reflects the efficient working of Furaat rain water harvesting system. While in mine area Furaat rain water harvesting system gave 35096.2 m 3 were in surface area of the catchment area was around 26250 m 2 . Conventional method adopted in mine area resulted in 6989 .675 m3 of water in the total catchment area of 52275 m 2 . As such there is no variation in quantity of water harvested. Total end iJtct 'li'l&fUI iliRf ~ 1}; "M~~ fM. ~.~' •• f.rrn-l" (iJ.ll.) • ~~~w ~-t~11fl~ll• i"M~~wm~t 1• \-i"Mq;Jl;t{ll{3!lill~ 1• ~"nm~-.rM-t~~-mlll Fig. 1: Details of Rainwater Harvesting Unit installed at Study area 4 I