Cement, Energy and Environment

) Shri P.C. Gaddigoudar: Will the Minister of Environment and Forests be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government has taken any steps to reduce air pollution in the country particularly in NCR and other metro-politan cities; (b) whether the Government has taken any action and has issued new emission norms for industries, power stations and diesel operated commercial vehicles; (c) if so, the details thereof; (d) if not, the reasons therefore; and (e) the time by which it is likely to be implemented? Answer Minister of State (Independent Charge) For Environment and Forests (Shrimati Jayanthi Natarajan) (a) Yes Sir. The steps taken by the Government to control air pollution in the country including National Capital Region (NCR) and metro-cities inter alia include: • Bharat state - IV emission norms have been implemented in 13 mega cities including NCR for new 4- wheelers from 201 0. • Mass emission standar4ds (Bharat Stage Ill) have been notified for two, three wheelers and diesel driven agricultural tractors from April 1, 2010 throughout the country. • Stringent Emissions Standards have been implemented to regulate emissions from in-use vehicles from October 2004. • Supply of improved diesel and gasoline. • Operating Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) mode public transport in Delhi. • Introduction of metro in Delh i to promote use of mass public transport system. • Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards are implementing the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 to restore air quality. • A mutually time targeted programme is implemented under Corporate Responsibility for Environment Protection (CREP) • Special drive for prevention and control of pollution in 17 categories of highly polluted industries. (b) to (e) The action taken by the Government I (CBCB) and issued new emission norms for industries, power plants and diesel operated commercial vehicles include; • Revision of emission norms for petrol and kerosene driven gensets and emission norms for Genset Diesel Engine. • Issued Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to 338 defaulting 17 category of highly polluting industries since last 3 years. • Standards are developed for Oxide of Nitrogen (NOx) , Sulphur Dioxide (S0 2 ) and load based standards for particulate matte (PM) including revision of PM emission standard for cement industry. • BS-IV emission standards have been notified for all the diesel commercial vehicles in 20 cities of the country including NCR and other metro cities. • The quality of diesel has also been improved to make it commensurate with BS-IV emission norms. • Most of non-destined buses/trucks are not allowed to enter city premises and are by-passed. • Heavy-duty trucks in cities are allowed to ply only during specific timings. • In Delhi & some other cities most of the public transport is running on CNG instead of diesel. • 15 years old commercial vehicles are not allowed to ply in Delhi since December 1998. • All the commercial vehicles are required to undertake annual fitness checks & certification. ********** 47