Cement, Energy and Environment

(e) Board. As reported by Assam Pollution Control Board, 7 units of Bee-hive coke oven are complying with the emission norms in Assam. Notices have been issued to the rest on non complying units of Bee-hive coke oven by the Assam State Pollution Control Board. Several steps have been taken to curb emission from coke and cement factories, which inter-alia include: i. The emission standards have been notified for coke oven and cement factories; ii. The concerned State Pollution Control Board enforces the emission standards in factories through consent mechanism under the Air Act, 1981 ; iii. The Central Pollution Control Board also monitor the select factories falling under 17 category of highly polluting industries for enforcing the emission Standards under its environment surveillance programme; iv. In case on non-compliance, directions are issued to concerned SPCBs by the CPCB seeking compliance of environmental norms; and v. Directions are also issued to concerned industries by CPCB and concerned SPCB to seek compliance of emission norms. ********** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 875 TO BE ANSWERED ON 1ST MARCH, 2013 Environment Clearance Certificates to Mines Shri Shripad Yesso Naik: Will the Minister of Mines be pleased to state: (a) Whether the Government has withdrawn the Environment Clearance Certificates (ECCS) given to some mines in view of Shah Commission report; (b) If so, the details thereof and reasons therefore; and (c) The steps taken/proposed by the Government to reissue ECCS to such mines? Answer The Minister of Mines (Shri Dinsha Patel) (a) to (c) The Government has been taking necessary action against the violation of environmental norms I statutory requirements by mining units in Goa from time to time and asking the State Government authorities to take action against such units under the relevant prov1s1ons of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (EP Act, 1986) and the rules framed thereunder. During 2012-13, based on the inspection/monitoring conducted by the Regional Office of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) at Bangalore, directions have been issued in respect of five units by MoEF in August and September, 2012 under section 5 of the EP Act, 1986 for closure of mines. The MoEF has issued Show Cause Notices on 11-9-2012 to 49 mines in Goa which were inspected by the Regional Office of the MoEF at Bangalore and the inspection report revealed that dump mining has found to have taken place, and the conditions of the environmental clearance have been violated . Further, to the above, the MoEF has also issued directions under 5 of the EP Act, 1986 keeping in abeyance the environment clearances in respect of 139 mine leases in Goa on 14-09-2012. The project proponent concerned for each of these 139 mines have been asked to submit relevant documents to MoEF so as to verify the legality of the environment clearance granted under which the mine has been operating. *********** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 1127 TO BE ANSWERED ON 04-03-2013 Air Pollution Due To Commercial Vehicles 1127. Shrimati Usha Verma: Shri Rudra Madhab Ray: Shri P.T. Thomas: Shri Nityananda Pradhan: Shri Maheshwar Hazari: Shri Harsh Vardhan: Shri Jayram Pangi: Shri Jeetendra Singh Bundela: 46 -