Cement, Energy and Environment

Application of waste and by-products in the cement industry Source : Nippon Slag Association <Consumption. FY2010: 23,564 thousand tons) Not reused and landfilled 4% Coal ash is used for Others 25% A ricuHure 0% Bulld1 construction 1 B% Cement 32% Source : Japan Flyash Association (Generated volume. FY2010) (Power S«tor (or industry) only) : 8.950 thousand tons) Waste tires are used for Cement 10% Steel 3% Source : The Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association (Total amount of emergence. FY2010 : 997 thousand tons) A lot of waste, by-product and garbage generated from industries and households actually consist of the same constituents as those found in cement. Taking advantage of the fact that no secondary waste, and only a negligible amount of dioxin, is generated in the process of cement manufacturing, the cement industry is striving to recycle waste materials and by-products. Effective use of waste materials and by-products not only Note Developed v.th reference to "The Fourth Basic Envwonmenl Plan(ouU•nel" Conveying waste tires to a kiln Wooden materials and wood chips generated from demolition sites / contributes to saving natural resources but also helps with the shortage of final disposal sites for waste materials , wh ich is currently a nationwide problem. Consequently, the cement industry contributes significantly towards a sustainable society. Courtesy: Japan Cement Association Lok Sabha Questions & Answers/ Notifications GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 1553 TO BE ANSWERED ON 12.03. 201 3 Impact of Global Warming on the Himalayas 1553. SHRI RAJIV PRATAP RUDY: Will the Minister of Environment and Forest be pleased to state: (a) Whether there has been any study conducted on the impact of Global Warming on the Himalayas; (b) If so, the details thereof: (c) Whether there has been a reduction of forest cover depletion over the last three years; and (d) If so, the details thereof and the impact of global warming on forest depletion? Answer Minster of State (Independent Charge) For Environment and Forests (Shrimati Jayanthi Natarajan) (a) & (b) A study to asses the impact of climate change on four sectors in four regions of India includ ing Himalayan Region has been undertaken and a report titled "Climate Change and India: 4x4 Assessment - A Sectoral and Regional 44