Cement, Energy and Environment

hectares will produce 400 MW electricity, 21000 lakh cu m biogas and 20 lakh tonnes of biodiesel. Conclusion Jatropha and biodiesel project has many socio-economic benefits. Because the biofuel industry intrinsically involves rural populace - it has the potential to change the scenario of the village making it eco-friendly and prosperous . As per surveys about 155 million acres of wasteland is available for development in India. By proper propagation and cultivation of high yielding varieties of Jatropha and utilizing the same for establishment of agro-industry units, generation of employment and producing biodiesel our nation can change these backward and poor areas into prosperous and developing areas within a decade. Courtesy: Akshay Urja, Volume 6, Issue 3, December 2012 Wind REDUCE WIND POWER COST FOR CONSUMERS With the high cost of wind power adding to consumers' burden, state's power distribution company Mahavitran has aked the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) to reduce the purchase cost for them. Mahavitran pays Rs. 5.80 for a unit for wind power, which is the highest in the country. "Promotion [of wind power in the state] is at the cost of common consumers. The investors in the state have got additional returns on investment than their counterparts in other states," the company told the MERC at a public hearing on Tuesday. Arguing that the government has offered support to several inefficient power generators in the state , Mahavitran said that the private producers have recovered their capital costs through several incentives offered to them in the last decade. Though the state has an installed wind capacity of 2,954 megawatt, the highest supply to Mahavitran was 700 MW ever since the sector came into existence. Mahavitran claimed that the wind power supply wasn't adequate for the company and they made profits only by selling power to other consumers. Representatives of wind energy generators did not attend the hearing. Courtesy: Hindustan Times, Mumbai, February 2, 2013 Environment SHREE CEMENT APPEALS TO REDUCE FOOD PRINTS ON WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY. World Environment day was observed as a grand celebration at all locations (Beawar, Ras , Khushkhera, Suratgarh, Roorkee, Jaipur, Aurangabad Bihar and Raipur Chattisgarh) of Shree Cement Ltd. Shree Cement took it as collective responsibility realizing that every single individual can make a difference in the campaign to stop the wastage of food. The company organized poster, essay, quiz and slogan competitions , skits nukkad nataks and group songs to create awareness for this global cause and environment preservation. A group of students from Birla Institute of Technology who are summer interns at the company effectively demonstrated CHIPKO MOVEMENT in a skit performed by them. A prize distribution ceremony also followed the cultural night. Besides this, there was a massive plantation drive in which the saplings were planted across all locations by the respective unit staff members. On this occasion, Sh. Mahendra Singhi , the Executive Director said that this year's theme for the World Environment Day, Think, Eat and Save, Mr. Mahendra Singhi, Executive Director, Addressing people Plantation activity Plantation activity 36