Cement, Energy and Environment

utilization factors, the renewable power installed capacity is generating around 50 BU per year corresponding to about 6.5 per cent in the total electricity mix and 12.5 per cent of total capacity in 2011-2012. Off grid applications of renewable energy have also made significant headway. Courtesy: Akshay Urja, Volume 6 , Issue 3, December 2012 PRICE REVISION - CERC NOTIFIES BENCHMARK RENEWABLE ENERGY TARIFF ORDER FOR 2013-14 In line with the Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources Regulations, 2012, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has notified the final order on benchmark renewable energy tariffs applicable for 2013-14. These regulations , which were finalized in February 2012 , have been beneficial for both state electricity regulatory commissions (SERCs) and project developers. While the annual generic tariff determined by the CERC under these regulations act as a benchmark for SERCs in determining state-specific tariffs, it also helps project developers in determining future expansion plans by providing tariff visibi lity. The draft tariff order for 2013-14 was released about six months ago. After accounting for comments from various stakeholders, the CERC notified the final order on February 28, 2013. Renewable watch presents a summary of the final tariff order. .. Trends in tariffs The order for 201 3-14 is in sync with industry expectations as tariffs for all technologies expect solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal have been increased. The benchmark tariff for solar PV projects has been determined as Rs. 7.87 per kWh. This represents a decline of 16 per cent over the tariff of Rs. 9.35 per kWh in 2012-13 and of 54 per cent over the tariff of Rs . 17.14 per kWh in 2009-10. The benchmark tariff for solar thermal projects has been determined as Rs. 10.69 per kWh , a decrease of 4.7 per cent over the tariff in 2012-13. Since 2009-10, the tariff for solar thermal power projects has declined by 14.75 per cent. Wind energy tariff have been set in the range of Rs . 5.80 per kWh to Rs. 3.62 per kWh for wind energy zones 1 to 5. The new tariffs are about 4.2 per cent higher than those for 2012-13. The benchmark wind energy tariffs have been increasing consistently since 2010-11 , with the average tariff across wind zones increasing by over 32 per cent. For small-hydro power (SHP) projects, benchmark tariffs have been announced for various capacity sizes and states. The average tariff has been set at Rs. 4.05 per kWh, an increase of 5.33 per cent over the average tariff for 2012-13. The average benchmark tariff has increased by about 29 per cent since 2010-11. The average tariff for biomass projects across various states has been set at Rs. 5.66 per kWh, an increase of 7.1 per cent over the average tariff for 2012-13. The average benchmark tariff has increased by over 21 per cent since 2009-10. The average tariff for biofuel cogeneration projects has increased by 6.6 per cent from Rs. 5.06 per kWh in 2012-13 to Rs . 5.39 per kWh in 2013-14. The average tariff across states has increased by 33 per cent since 2010-11. Cost parameters for tarilf determination for various renewable energy sources (Rs m1llion per MW) Soiree 201!-11 Clpftal costs. OIMupeaa•• Clpbl c..u• Wllld 57.5 0.9 59.8 Solaf PV 100.0 1.1 80.0 S.therrr'Ql 1300 1.5 120.0 Smal-hylto ss om n.o 1410 2..5 57.2 10 80.0 Biomass based on Rankine cycte c..s 2..4 Bonass gaslfeet 55.0 40 Non-fossi fuel-based coget lef3llon 42..0 16 Biogas.based !)rOieCts 110.0 4.0 • To be escalated based Otl lhl presaDJd l'ldeGID!/OffTIJa. •• To be esulitf!d at 5. 72 per 1m pet atrU7I SOllee CERC 46.3 57.3 43.7 114.5 2t13-14 OlMupeesa•• 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.510 2..6 2..5 4.2 1 7 42 32 \