Cement, Energy and Environment

He clarified the government's stand on Bhattacharya, chief executive of Tata Cleantech continuation of incentives for setting up costly Capital, told Business Standard. renewable energy capacities. "Market forces alone will not provide sufficient financing for green energy. For the moment, green energy is not viable on its own , without subsidy or regulatory incentives, investors obviously need an assurance that these incentives will continue, "he said . The industry cheered singh's remarks . "This is a positive announcement by the government and would put further emphasis on the renewable sector. Over the few years, private equity players and lenders like us have become comfortable investing in renewable energy companies, thereby providing the much-needed capital for the sector to grow. The potential for generating energy using solar and biomass is very large," Avijit Sin~1h also noted India's commitment to cutting its energy intensive 20-25 per cent by 2020. Speaking at the event, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said India was interested in creating a competitive domestic production base and the government would have to take a "difficu lt decision" by incorporating wind and solar energy into the integrated energy policy. Non-governmental organization Greenpeace termed the prime minister's speech "disappointing, lacking ambition and a repeat of past promises". It blamed the government of not doing enough to promote renewable energies. Courtesy: The Business Standard, New Delhi, 18.04.2013 News Brief Water GOVT. PLAN TO ASK BIG INDUSTRIES FOR 'WATER RETURNS' Seeking to curb the unbridled use of water and check pollution, the government is considering introducing a system under which the big industries will have to file 'water returns' on the lines of income tax returns. Besides , the government is also mulling introduction of differential rate of pricing water by different types of industrial users. The annual water returns on similar lines of tax returns would include key parameters like utilization per unit produce, effluent discharge details, rain water harvested, water reuse details and fresh water consumption. said the 1ih Five Year Plan (2012-17). The document, which has been approved by the country's apex decisio9n making body the National Development Council (NDC) and is broad policy for the five-year period , has emphasized that the filing of water returns be made mandatory for big industries and businesses . The policy document has also underlined the need for promoting reuse and recycle of wastewater in industry through regulations and incentives through national frameworks and a system of water returns. It also talks about setting industry– specific standards for promoting rainwater harvesting in industry, both within and beyond the fence through incentives and regulation . According to the document, the current pricing regime is undervalued for all users and creating a clear policy framework would overcome wide variations in tariff structure due to current determination by various states. Courtesy: Water Today, Feb. 2013, Pp. 8. Energy PROGRESS TOWARDS CLEAN ENERGY HAS STALLED: lEA The international Energy Agency (lEA) today said the drive to clean up the world's energy system had stalled. lEA Executive Director Maria van der However told the 23- member Clean Energy Ministerial despite much talk by world leaders and a boom in renewable energy through the last decade, the average unit of energy produced today was "as dirty as it was 20 years ago". The rapid expansion of renewable technologies was one of the few bright spots in an otherwise bleak assessment of global progress towards low carbon energy, lEA said in annual report presented to the ministerial here today. Paris-based lEA is a 28 member think tank of developed countries focused on energy. Courtesy: The Business Standard. New Delhi, 18.04.2013 30 \ r